Strategic Sales
Transform the way your people show up with Clients
Executive Edge - Strategic Sales
Strategic Sales is focussed on addressing the outcomes the customer is looking for. Questions and discovery need to make the customer think about the outcomes they need to succeed.
Executive Edge is a simple and highly effective approach to strategic sales and solution sales that has been developed from years of B2B sales and relationship management experience, as well as surveying senior decision makers across industries to find out what they really want from their partners.
Your customers are busier than ever responding to unprecedented market forces. Some are struggling to stay relevant while others have so much demand they cannot find enough staff. The good news is, this is all opportunity.
However, to capture this opportunity salespeople must know and understand what your customers are experiencing inside and outside of the business and be able to do it quickly and effectively.
Executive Edge empowers your team to hold strategic discovery conversations with decision makers and cut through to what matters most to them and what is driving their business to change. Leaving your salespeople with an understanding of the customer like they have never had before.
If you are wanting to shift from transactional supplier to strategic partner, this program is for you.
Increase your deal sizes by unlocking more value to add to your clients business
Change the way your business is perceived in your market. Engage with new clients and re-engage with existing ones
Improve the accuracy of the develop, qualify, close process
Speed up your sales cycles
What will Executive Edge get you?
Want more? Close the Knowing - Doing gap with Performance Edge
Performance Edge combines our Strategic Sales training with one-on-one Developmental Coaching for your Sales Team.
We all get in our own way at times. Often it can feel like we have all the knowledge - information is more available than ever. So why is there a gap between knowing and doing? The answer is it's personal. Each person is unique with their own map of the world, which is why Performance Edge is the ultimate sales training and coaching program.
The Performance Edge program works with your people to equip them with strategic selling tools (knowledge) and backs it up with the developmental work to find the difference that is going to make the difference to their performance barriers (action).
Cognitive Intentions
Performance Edge
Identity Compass
Coaching with evolve Lab includes access to the Identity Compass tool - an innovative personality profiling tool that identifies core thinking structures, outputting an individual's signature thinking styles.
The Compass reveals which cognitive intentions someone is preferencing in their thinking and likely running outside of their awareness. Having this data means being able to objectively point and bring awareness to leverage points of change which could lead to profound shifts for the individual.
Leaders can use this data to understand and relate to their people like never before including how they perceive the world, what they value and how they are motivated, and how they process information.